A letter for those of you who...
1. Do not attend Holy Trinity and were not able to hear the letter that was read during the homily,
2. Do attend HT but were out of town or not able to attend mass,
3. Did attend HT this weekend and would like a copy of the letter.
Linked HERE is a letter from the Dallas and FW Bishops explaining and defending a proper understanding of the Faithful Citizenship document that was put out by our US Bishops. (You can read the full Faithful Citizenship document HERE).
I know that I personally have been struggling quite a bit lately with proper formation of conscience after hearing lots of different and conflicting interpretations of this document. Deep in my heart I knew that (among other things) all issues are not equal, and all issues do not allow for multiple options as solutions. This beautiful 3 page letter clearly explains what we need to understand about our participation in the political process, and ultimately what it means for our eternal salvation.
I do apologize for the mass email, however there has been so much misinformation, misinterpretation, and misguidance on this document and these issues, even within our own parishes. I am so moved by this letter from our bishops, our shepherds, and I hope that you will prayerfully read it and consider it as this election season (finally) comes to a close.
Praise God that we have such strong bishops to stand up for the Catholic faith and her teachings! And may the Holy Spirit be with you as you continue to discern and prepare for this important election.
Does Religion Really Have a "Smart-People Problem"?
10 years ago
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